Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4, 2010

Alright on my Twitter account it says and I quote; "Video Game whore, movie whore, music whore". I'm a girl gamer and damn proud of it. I started new classes these past two weeks and for my class, Visual and Audio Design, we had to watch a DVD about video games. Which by the way is from 2001 to 2003, so fail on keeping up with the times. Now I understand most girls aren't fans of FPS or anything but women can hold their own, trust me. So, back to the video, they show the title card and it reads 'Girl Gamers'. Which I was thinking this is either going to be funny or really shitty... can you guess with one? What a load of bullshit. First of all the girls that they showed where like 14. You know what they where playing? Nancy Drew. Are you fucking kidding me? That does not make you a 'girl gamer'. That doesn't make you a 'gamer' period. What an insult to girl gamers everywhere. 

Now on to a big topic: Violence and Video Games. There's people standing on soap boxes yelling about how video games are the reason that kids are killing each other in school. Last time i checked it was the bullies, not video games. I was picked on in school and I didn't go killing people. Don't blame Doom for what happened at Columbine, that's just bullshit. I'm not saying it was a great idea what those kids did, but still. There's another part of this that people need to look at: the parents. Where the hell are they? My folks didn't let me play hours of games as a kid. I could play on the weekend and Friday and during the week once my homework was done. I didn't even have a computer in my room till I was a junior in high school. But the way, that computer couldn't go online. If people would shut the hell up about the violence in video games and do something about the violence in schools I don't think we have has many troubles as we do. 

Back to parents, man. People are lazy. They put the kids in front of the tube and then leave them for hours. What a great way to raise a kid. Or they just let the kid play any game they want. God of War, Medal of Honor, Modern Warfare, there are ratings people. Hell, I still get carded at Best Buy when I buy a R rated movie. The only person that I knew that checked ID's was at Family Video and once she asked my dad if it was okay she never asked again. Good jobs guys. I really don't think the ESRB is doing a good job here, that and the retails are failing at checking ID's.  

Hopefully I will have my review for Fallout: New Vegas. But, as of right WoW has taken over my life. Good times. I really think that if you're into games you should be a member of the Video Game Voters Network. Like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, but do what you have to do to have the gamer's voices heard. Take a stand and protect your games. 

“Life isn't worth living if I miss an episode” ~ Anthony Hopkins


P.S. Vic Mignogna is awesome. Did you know he has two albums? Yeah, I know.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Medal of Honor Review

Let me say this first thing. I had the beta for this game on the Xbox 360 a few months ago; mind you it was the multiplayer beta, but still. I was on the wall at first seeing as I can count on one hand how many times I play multiplayer, *cough cough*  Modern Warfare 2. But still, it was really good. I would play a few hours of it. Yelling at the T.V. was fun. I'm really a fan of the storyline... yeah, I know. 

Danger Close who did the single player did a great job. The single player campaign takes place in 2002 in Afghanistan. For half of the game, players assume the role of a DEVGRU operator codenamed "Rabbit." For the remainder, the player alternates between the roles of a Delta Force sniper code-named "Deuce", Army Ranger Specialist Dante Adams, and AH-64 Apache gunner Captain Brad "Hawk" Hawkins. The one thing that the Medal of Honor series did to me was not care about their characters. For once they made me care. I kind of feel in love with 'Rabbit'. It was also funny as hell to have the guys on the T.V. yelling 'Rabbit' and my mutts freaking out and running out of the room. 

Not going to give away the plot but this gamer gives it a four and half stars out of five. Next review is Fallout: New Vegas. On a later date, I'm going to post a longer review. Going to replay it again and take some time on everything. 

Medal of Honor site: 

Enjoy your stay,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Mass Effect DLC

So the new DLC for Mass Effect 2 is out. It's 800 Xbox/BioWare points. I must say I'm fine with that, theres about 2 to 4 extra hours of game play. Theres a mini boss fight at one point and holy crap it sucked that much I will say. I've never had so much fun driving anything before in Mass Effect

"Liara T'Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She'll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped... and the Shadow Broker's agents will do anything to stop her. Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker's own secret lair. Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara."

Also 'Overlord' is somewhat new as well. Now that one is 560 Xbox/BioWare points. There is about two hours of extra game play. There's a lot of driving in this one, which sucks ass. I'm so not a fan of the Mako in the first and I really kind hate the M-44 Hammerhead. It's really hard to drive in on the PC and it sucks on the XBox 360 as well. 

"When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find Geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: an experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free–and unleashing Geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today 09/01/2010

My other class starts today and my teacher isn't here. Good job man. So we have a sub and he maybe better than our teacher. He doesn't speak as fast but he's only here for today. :( Oh well. Start of an other long day. Going to be at school from 8 to 8. Awesome, oh joy. Going to be a good time. Maybe I should listen in class now. Never. Oh shit just missed something, damn. 

Yeah this is an awesome epic win:

Later, Ace

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Basic Info

Name: Ace

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Birthday: April 29

Political Views: Liberal

Religious Views: George Carlin


Interests: U.S. History, Music, Movies, Sports, Cubs Baseball, and World History

Activities: Track and Field, Drawing and Painting, Computers, Video Games, Reading, and Writing

Music: Almost anything

Movies: No Twilight (Don't get me started)

Books: Yay Harry Potter! Boo Twilight!

TV: (It's a list)
--Law & Order: CI
--Batman Beyond
--Justice League/JLU
--Big Bang Theory
--Warehouse 13
--Family Guy

Video Games: (Also a list)
--Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
--Modern Warfare 2 (Go Soap!)
--Assassin's Creed 1 and 2
--Mass Effect 1 and 2 (Duh)
--Batman: Arkham Asylum
--Gears of War 1 and 2
--Fallout 3 (I almost forgot!)

Those are just the ones I play all the time.

Well Hello

Hello Readers,

I had an idea the other night that I should start a blog or a site for my writing other than doing fan fiction writing. So going to play around with this site and see whats going.

Later, Ace