Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Mass Effect DLC

So the new DLC for Mass Effect 2 is out. It's 800 Xbox/BioWare points. I must say I'm fine with that, theres about 2 to 4 extra hours of game play. Theres a mini boss fight at one point and holy crap it sucked that much I will say. I've never had so much fun driving anything before in Mass Effect

"Liara T'Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She'll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped... and the Shadow Broker's agents will do anything to stop her. Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker's own secret lair. Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara."

Also 'Overlord' is somewhat new as well. Now that one is 560 Xbox/BioWare points. There is about two hours of extra game play. There's a lot of driving in this one, which sucks ass. I'm so not a fan of the Mako in the first and I really kind hate the M-44 Hammerhead. It's really hard to drive in on the PC and it sucks on the XBox 360 as well. 

"When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find Geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: an experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free–and unleashing Geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today 09/01/2010

My other class starts today and my teacher isn't here. Good job man. So we have a sub and he maybe better than our teacher. He doesn't speak as fast but he's only here for today. :( Oh well. Start of an other long day. Going to be at school from 8 to 8. Awesome, oh joy. Going to be a good time. Maybe I should listen in class now. Never. Oh shit just missed something, damn. 

Yeah this is an awesome epic win:

Later, Ace