Sunday, January 29, 2012

Facts about Ace

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Those rare moments when I can sit down and stare at a wall and relax for a second and then it starts all over again

What turns you off?
Rage and hatred

What is your favorite curse word?
There are so many, but I do love ‘Da fuck?’ But you have to say it as a question.

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?
The sound of when you leave your keys in the car and the door is open. Shut up damn it! I know the keys are in there.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
A college history teacher, I don’t think I could teach high school.

What profession would you not like to do?
Bomb tester

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Well I thought you would be taller. 

Who is your favorite actor?
Favorite live action actor is Liam Neeson. The man is a bad ass.
Favorite voice over actor is Kevin Conroy. He’s Batman!

Who is your favorite actress?
Laura Linney

What is your favorite color?
Red and Black

Batman is my favorite superhero. I think it’s because he’s human, unlike the rest of them.

I love Stars Wars and almost anything that deals with it.

I have all the Harry Potter books.

Every rarely get alone with women. Most of my friends are men.

I read comic books unlike most women.

Big fan of video games

I've been known to hold grudges, although I try not to

If I had the chance to start again, I would do almost everything differently

I think about my mistakes

I feel short compared to most people, even though I'm probably not

I've never been cool. I kind of go my own way, which is un-cool, apparently.

I have a problem with procrastination

I don't believe in love at first sight

People who make me laugh fascinate me. Especially when it’s a sarcastic or caustic remark that does it

I hate weddings. They're boring and stressful.

I love mac and cheese

I am pro-choice

I cannot keep my room clean.

I have a dog called Bayley, I also call her monkey

I don't know if I will ever have children

If my sisters and I weren't sisters, we probably wouldn't be friends

I miss old friends sometimes but realise our parting was probably for the best

If I were an animal, I'd want to be a bat or a wolf.

I'm passionate about music and have a pretty diverse taste

I wonder if I'll ever go home.

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